@beergeek boosted: Instead of tooting the Washington Post article about how the North Shore Leader broke the Santos story (as I’ve seen twice on my feed today), how about we link to the actual North Shore Leader? Support your local news, and when a scoop like this happens, support the small papers, local to you or not, that break them: https://ift.tt/c9LgQVY

Instead of tooting the Washington Post article about how the North Shore Leader broke the Santos story (as I’ve seen twice on my feed today), how about we link to the actual North Shore Leader? Support your local news, and when a scoop like this happens, support the small papers, local to you or not, that break them: theleaderonline.com/single-pos

– Ian Rose (@ianrosewrites) December 30, 2022

source https://scicomm.xyz/@ianrosewrites/109605086539502130