The Coronavirus Has Warped All Sense of Time | WIRED

THERE IS NO clock in my house, so Google Home is often the timekeeper. Its job is usually limited to cooking timers, but lately—more often than I’d like—I find myself ambling about the house, asking Google the time of day, or worse, the day of the week. Sometimes, after seeing the time on my phone, I call out as if to get a second opinion, to explain how entire chunks of the day have evaporated, or how it is suddenly Thursday again. I recently found my experience summed up in a cartoon from The New Yorker, in which a couchbound man is haunted by the ghost of himself. “I’m you from the future!” the ghost exclaims. “Or the past. I’ve completely lost track of time.”

via: The Coronavirus Has Warped All Sense of Time | WIRED
